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Does your relationship sound like this?

We work together to discover and correct communication patterns that aren’t working for you as a couple which will in turn help to heal old wounds that have been caused by those poor communication patterns.

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Mommy’s Little Helper = ADDICTION?

We’ve all heard about, “Mommy’s Little Helper”. The Rolling Stones dedicated a song to it back in 1966. In the 60’s when Valium or benzodiazepines were over prescribed throughout the nation to help Mothers through their day in today’s culture it’s a store-bought elixir, alcohol that helps mommies get through their daily grind.

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Happy Pride Month to Everyone Reading This!!

To start, I want to share a bit about my own gender journey. Up until college, I didn’t even know that trans people existed. I called myself a tomboy all through my academic career because that is how other people described me and I didn’t know that there was an option for me other than being a girl.

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PostPartum Depression/Anxiety or the Baby Blues

Many new mothers, about 80%, experience a form of depression know as the “baby blues. Baby blues and postpartum depression have similarities but they also have distinct differences. Baby blues typically kick in within a few days of giving birth and resolve within a couple of weeks. In this time you are going through the adjustment period of no longer being pregnant. That takes a toll on your mind, body and lifestyle. The timing is different for everyone as it can depend on the support system you have and your own coping skills.

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I’ve Scheduled My First Therapy Appointment Now What?

The idea of having your first session with a new therapist can be nerve wracking, especially if you have never been to therapy before, so I have compiled the following list of ways to prepare yourself for session one.

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