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Court Policies


Please be advised that the therapists, therapist interns, and staff of Brookside Family Therapy do not participate in person, by phone, or in writing in any court-related matter that the client of Brookside Family Therapy may be a party to or become a party to in any way. The therapists and interns of Brookside Family Therapy do not write letters regarding their client’s treatment to any entity, including court. The therapists and interns of Brookside Family Therapy at no time will offer an opinion or recommendation in any court matter, especially as it relates to custody.

Brookside Family Therapy is requested to write a letter on any court-related matter, that they will not be stipulated in writing or in person as to an opinion. Therapists and/or interns may only provide observations and feedback. At no time will any therapists or therapist interns of Brookside Family Therapy offer to or make a recommendation in regards to custody or any other court-related matter.


When working with couples, it is imperative that both clients understand that if they wish to access their records during or after completion of therapy, both participants must consent to the release of such records. This also includes court letters and testimony. Both participants must consent to disclosure, otherwise, the therapist shall invoke privileges.



When working with minors in the Commonwealth of Virginia please be advised that minors are deemed an adult for the purpose of consenting to their own treatment as well as the consent to release their records ( VA code 54.1-2969 E.4 Please also read section K). As the minor’s therapist, it is the therapist’s ethical duty to inform the minor of the significance of releasing records (both verbally and in writing) as it may or may not benefit them therapeutically.  

Court Policies and Fees

Please be advised that should a therapist or intern from Brookside Family Therapy be court-ordered to appear in court or at a deposition, the fee stipulation is as follows:

  • $300 per hour for preparation
  • $3,000 per day plus $200 per hour for travel to and from the court.

Please be advised that should a therapist or intern from Brookside Family Therapy be ordered by court to write a letter to the court, the time shall be billed at $200 per hour on a quarterly hour basis.

All therapists and interns of Brookside Family Therapy will NOT be ON-CALL at any time. Should a case be trialed, or continued, the therapist will be paid in full for each day as well as an additional $1,000 per day as it hinders the therapist’s or intern’s ability to be available to their other clients.


Please coordinate with our office to ensure that the therapist can be available for the date and time of the deposition or court hearing. The therapist may agree to accept the subpoena via email if agreed upon. Reminder: A subpoena in which the client provided the therapist as a potential witness shall be billed in full for all court-related activity. Also, the therapist must have a signed release prior to submitting records or appearing on a court matter, regardless of the subpoena.

All court fees must be received by cashier’s check 7 days prior to the court date. Should the court, calendar the hearing for another date, the therapist or intern must be re-issued a new subpoena with the new court hearing date.

Should the therapists or interns be on vacation, the party initiating the court order must take reasonable steps to avoid imposing an undue burden or expense on a person subject to the subpoena

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